Senin, 19 Februari 2018

Tahun Baru (Lagi)

Hehehe udah 2018 aja nih. Waktu cepat berlalu. Oh ya terakhir kali ngepost tahun kemaren hahaha.

Sekarang sih baru masuk bulan Februari tapi udah lumayan banyak hal-hal yang terjadi. Dari mulai nonton film, UAS dll. Film yang aku tonton di bioskop baru Maze Runner: The Death Cure dan Black Panther hehehe. Kalau UAS nilainya tak sesuai ekspektasi (ya iyalah belajarnya kurang).

Oh ya di tahun 2018 ini juga menjadi tahun ke tiga kuliah. Wihhh sebentar lagi lulus. 

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2017

Download Film

Biasanya aku download film/tv series di sini.  Ini isinya lumayan lengkap dari drama Korea, film Holywood,tv series, anime dll. Bahkan bisa download lagu dan games juga loh. Tapi pertama-tama, kalian harus register dulu. Nanti setelah itu baru log in. Halaman depannya kayak gini nih.

Kalian bisa cari di forum seperti ini. Atau klik di kolom search.

Untuk lebih mudahnya aku kasih contoh.
Aku mau download film barat. Jadi aku klik west movies di bagian Movies. Lalu aku pilih Index Cinema - West Movies (biar gampang mencari filmnya). Trus aku cari di huruf M. Maze Runner. Setelah itu aku klik Maze Runner. Lalu pilih deh mau yang ukuran berapa trus Blue Ray ada camera (maksudnya kualitas rekaman kamera). Tapi aku saranin yang Blue Ray karena lebih bening walaupun ukurannya 1GB lebih hehehe.

Nih aku kasih link downloadnya Maze Runner. Nah untuk download subtitlenya aku biasanya download di Subscene. Untuk download subtitle yang pas dengan filmnya emang agak susah sih. Kalau kalian download Blue Ray yang 1080p usahakan cari subtitle yang belakangnya ada tulisan "Blue Ray 1080p" artinya itu pas dengan jenis Blue Ray yang kalian download. Kalau pun ga ada, kalian cari aja yang kira-kira pas hehehe.

Selamat mencoba :D

Kamis, 05 Januari 2017

Awal Tahun

Haiiiii lama ga ngepost. Ga terasa udah tahun 2017 aja nih. Udah setahun aku ga ngeblog ehehe. Oh iya aku baru buka lagi karena dapat tugas dari mata kuliah Sistem Informasi Manajemen. Tapi aku belum mau bahas untuk tugas dulu nih. Aku pengen cerita aja pas tahun baruan gimana.

Niatnya sih pengen liat kembang api tapi karena ngantuk jadinya ketiduran.
Bangun juga sih sebentar buat liat kembang apinya. Tapi abis itu tidur lagi ehehe.

Well semoga di tahun baru ini cita-cita dan keinginanku terwujud :)

Senin, 25 Januari 2016

Aku Hanyalah Manusia

Aku hanyalah manusia seperti kamu
Seperti orang lain
Hatiku bisa berdarah jika terluka

Semua orang kalau diliat dari luar pasti terlihat baik-baik saja. Berbeda kalau kita lihat dari dalamnya atau perspektif hidupnya. Mungkin dia menyimpan luka yang sangat dalam. Saking dalamnya dia tak mau menceritakan ke siapa pun. Sebagai teman yang baik harusnya kita membantunya melewati hari-hari yang sulit. Bisa dengan menyemangati melalui kata-kata atau bisa juga dengan membuat dia tertawa. Dengan begitu kita bisa memahami orang lain dengan baik.

Aku bisa tertawa
Mengeluarkan air mata
Saat aku bahagia

Temen yang baik sih "katanya" ada di saat duka maupun suka. Kalau udah pernah melihat teman dalam keadaan duka pasti kita bakal senang deh pas ngeliat dia saat suka :) Tertawa itu menular jadi tularkan saja semua emosi bahagia ke semua orang.

Itu kan buat menolong orang lain. Bagaimana kalau itu terjadi sama kita sendiri?
1. Curhat
    Jangan asal curhat ke semua orang tapi curhatlah ke orang yang kita percaya dan yang tulus. Dari curhat, kita bisa tau penilaian orang lain dan cara mengatasinya

2. Bahagialah
    Setelah lega saatnya membuang semua kesedihan. Bisa dengan cara melakukan hobi atau makan makanan yang lagi dipengenin atau jalan mencari suasana baru.

Emang sih dunia ini keras banyak rintangan yang harus dihadapi. Tapi dengan adanya rintangan, itu menunjukkan kalau kita bisa menjadi pribadi yang lebih tangguh daripada sebelumnya :)

Kamis, 21 Januari 2016

Semua Tentang Waktu

Ga nyangka udah mau akhir bulan di tahun 2016 ini. Wah cepat juga ya waktu berjalan. Dari yang tadinya anak kecil sekarang lagi proses "dewasa". Kayaknya semakin bertambah umur, waktu terasa begitu cepat sampai ga sadar banyak masa lalu yang telah terlewati.

Padahal sih besok masih UAS tapi berhubung besok ujiannya sore mending nulis blog dulu hahahaha. Sip.

Berputar berputar
Bagaikan kehilangan arah
Mencari yang sudah terlewat
Tak kan mungkin kembali

Sedih ya?

Selasa, 12 Januari 2016

Primagama Kalibata

Oke saatnya flashback ke tahun 2014-2015
Temen les yang paling deket itu ya pas kelas 12 di PG. Mungkin karena selama kelas 9-11 aku les tapi sering bolos kali ya jadi ga pernah punya temen deket di les hehehe. Isinya sih dikit cuma 10 orang udah gitu cowoknya cuma 3. Mereka pada seru-seru dan gila. Mari aku bahas satu persatu.

 1. Alkha
     Dia ini jarang masuk les kalau pun datang, dia sering telat. Anak 43. Kerjaannya cerita yang bikin  ngeri. Dia pernah cerita kalau dia ditusuk punggungnya pakai golok! Untuk ukuran anak laki sih dia ga begitu berisik. Alkha ini pernah bawa coklat yang enak loh hahaha.

2. Aji
    Alumni 182 juga sama kayak aku. Suka banget sama kereta! Temen dekatnya Garda. Saking deketnya mereka terlihat seperti.....pacaran (?) Suaranya berat banget. Selalu diomelin kak Rohma karena berisik. Udah gitu sering kena bercandaannya kak Rohma juga hahahah soalnya Aji ini agak nyolot. Udah gitu Aji sabar banget. Iya sabar karena paling hitam jadi selalu jadi bahan omongan di kelas. Sekarang Aji kuliah di Universitas Brawijaya kalau ga salah jurusan Agroteknologi.

3. Garda
    Ini anak sumpah baik banget. Ramah, sopan, sabar, pintar wah pokoknya the best lah! Ini anak sering bikin konyol banget sampai sering bikin sekelas ngakak sampai menitikkan air mata :') Dia alumni SMPN 115. Ya kalian tahulah sekolah itu isinya anak kayak apa.....tapi sayangnya dia ga dapet 8 jadinya di 26 hahahaha. Garda pernah bikin puisi yang judulnya bengek. Pas dia bacain semuanya pada ketawa. Ya iyalah isinya dia lagi bengek. Ini anak demen sama mecin! (demen mecin tapi tetep pinter ya Gar? :p) Sekarang Garda kuliah di FASILKOM UI.

4. Esther
    Wih dia paling pendiam bok! Esther ini temen lesnya Aji dan Garda dari SMP jadi cuma Esther yang paling mengerti mereka berdua hahahaha. Karena udah lama kenal sama Aji, jadi Aji sering minjem pulpen dan minta kertasnya Esther buat nyatet. Namanya mengingatkanku pada Kimia. Sekarang Esther kuliah di Sistem Informasi, Binus.

5. Febby
    Paling tinggi sekitar 175 cm. Paling demen tidur wkwkwkwk. Jadi kalau Febby datang telat mukanya dalam kondisi bangun tidur trus ujung-ujungnya "eh kunci motor gue masih gue cantolin di motor!" abis itu dia lari bagaikan kesurupan. Paling semangat pelajaran itung-itungan sampai hasil psikotes buat SNMPTN dia disaranin buat ambil jurusan......FISIKA!!! Luar biasaaa. Dia sama Sheila tuh akrab banget. Trus Febby, Sheila sama Garda kerjannya omongin Spongebob. Sssst ternyata si Febby teman kecilnya Aji pas Taekwondo hahaha. Sekarang Febby kuliah di Farmasi UMM.

6. Sheila
    Sering dipanggil Azumi. Penggila anime dan Spongebob. Kalau ketemu Febby pasti ga bisa berhenti ngoceh. Panggilan kesayangan buat Febby aja "bro". Saking cintanya sama Jepang kalau gabut dia suka nulis kanji dan ambil jurusan Sastra Jepang di UNSADA.

7. Nur
    Wah dia paling baik sama aku :') Secara aku sering pilek dan meler pula. Dia beliin tisuue buatku loh :') Makasih banget ya Nurrr. Teman kulinerku hahahha. Dia punya adek dan sepupu yang les di PG juga. Udah gitu nasibnya beruntung pula. Undangan keterima di UI jurusan yang dia inginkan yaitu Sastra Indonesia.

8. Asri
   Anak 14 yang semangat belajar. Karena dia sering konsul hehehe. Trus kalau dia bingung dia berkonsultasi (atau lebih tepatnya berdiskusi?) sama Garda. Jomblo juga kayak aku hehehe. Ini temen perjuangan ke TROFI di Hall Basket Senayan. Sekarang kuliah di IPB.

9. Melin
    Walaupun dia jarang masuk tapi giliran masuk hampir di semua pelajaran itungan paling duluan selesainya. Maklumlah dia anak 38.  Nah Melin ini tempat bertanyanya anak-anak dan asistennya kak Rohma dalam hitung-hitungan. Dia suka makan loh terbukti walaupun ga dateng ke les tapi dateng ke Neo Milk Bar. Sekarang Melin kuliah di FKM UI lewat jalur undangan.

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Greyson Chance - Summer Train

Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing
Look at the sun and see the clouds turn to faces in the
We’ve been awake all night, shattered dreams all around
Close your sad, sad eyes we will be safe and sound

Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing
Look at the sun and see the clouds turn to faces in the
Daydreaming lightly through the rain
All’s forgiven on a summer train

Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing
Seems we are a thousand miles away from last night
As you sigh in my ear, kiss the rain goodbye

Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing
Look at the sun and see the clouds turn to faces in the
Daydreaming lightly through the rain
All’s forgiven on a summer train

Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing
Come away with me, it’s gonna be all right just breathe
Come away with me, it’s gonna be all right you’ll see

And the winds are all crying, that this train is flying
us all through the rain, I fear
And the sky is getting brighter with every mile
And it all seems clear

Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing
Look at the sun and see the clouds turn to faces in the
Daydreaming lightly through the rain
All’s forgiven on a summer train

Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing
Come away with me, it’s gonna be all right just breathe
Come away with me, it’s gonna be all right you’ll see

Come away with me, it’s gonna be all right just breathe
Come away with me, it’s gonna be all right you’ll see,
you’ll see

Greyson Chance - Unfriend You

I really thought you were the one
It was over before it begun
It's so hard for me to walk away
But I know I can't stay

You're beautiful and crazy too
Baby, that's why I fell into you
Even though you would pretend to be
You were never with me

So it's over, yeah, we're through
So Imma unfriend you
You're the best I ever knew
So I will unfriend you
'Cause I should have known right from the start
I'm deleting you right from my heart
Yeah, it's over
My last move is to unfriend you

I thought in time that you would change
That my time and love would heal the pain
I didn't want this day to come
But now all I feel is numb

So it's over, yeah, we're through
So Imma unfriend you
You're the best I ever knew
So I will unfriend you
'Cause I should have known right from the start
I'm deleting you right from my heart
Yeah, it's over
My last move is to unfriend you

You come onto everybody
Everybody all the time
You give up to anybody
What I thought was only mine

So it's over, yeah, we're through
So Imma unfriend you
You're the best I ever knew
So I will unfriend you
'Cause I should have known right from the start
That you didn't have a human heart
Yeah, it's over
My last move is to unfriend you

So I'll unfriend you
So I'll unfriend you

Greyson Chance - Home Is In Your Eyes

My heart beats a little bit slower
These nights are a little bit colder
Now that you're gone
My skies seem a little bit darker
Sweet dreams come a little bit harder.....
I hate when you're gone.
Everyday time is passing growing tired of all this traffic
Take me away to where you are..

I wanna be holding your hand in the sand by the tire swing
Where we used to be baby you and me
I'd travel a thousand miles Just so I can see you smile
Feels so far away when you cry Cause home is in your eyes

Your heart beats a little bit faster.
There's tears where there used to be laughter...
Now that I'm gone....
You talk just a little bit softer
Things take just a little bit longer..
You hate that I'm gone..
Everyday time is passing growing tired of all this traffic.
Take me away to where you are..

I wanna be holding your hand in the sand by the tire swing
Where we used to be baby you and me
I'd travel a thousand miles
Just so I can see you smile
Feels so far away when you cry
Cause home is in your eyes

If I could write another ending
This wouldn't even be our song
I'd find a way where we would never ever be apart
Right from the start

(chorus x2)
I wanna be holding your hand in the sand by the tire swing
Where we used to be baby you and me
I'd travel a thousand miles
Just so I can see you smile
Feels so far away when you cry
Cause home is in your eyes

Minggu, 27 November 2011

Twitter Quotes

Don't just be yourself.. But, GROW ! & Be the BEST of YOURSELF !

Life goes on, on and on. A Life without problems is not a life.

When 2 people are in love with each other but are too shy to admit it, although they still show it

I don't like those people who only talk to me when they need something.

Don't rely on anyone to love you. Love yourself and get motivated to be the best you possible

Don't be afraid to speak your mind. You have it for a reason

When I see you talking to a girl, I always get worried that you'll fall for her because she has something I don't

Appreciate those moments in life that other people take for granted.

Bad things happen to you to make you realize your true potential, strength, will power, and heart. Have faith and stay strong!

Do things that you enjoy. Life is not strictly business, it can be mixed with pleasure.

Don't give to anyone the power to put you down. Haters are losers pretending to be winners

God only puts us through as much as we can handle, so the people who struggle the most, have been chosen by God to be the strongest ones.

To pray for success will not lead to such. To do more to achieve such will lead to results.

Life is not about finding yourself, but creating yourself and understanding others

I can't erase the past, I must let it go. I cannot change yesterday, but I can always accept the lesson learned.

When life changes to be harder, change yourself to be stronger.

Time goes by fast. People go in and out of my life. I must never miss the opportunity to tell people how much they mean to me.

Life is a matter of trial-and-error. Don't take it too serious, but keep learning from your experience.

Looking for the truth is easy. Accepting the truth is hard.

When GOD didn't give something you want, it's because you're not ready for it, even though you feel you deserve it.

Dear crush I always wonder what crosses your mind when your eyes meet mine

Sometimes we waste too much time to think about someone who doesn't even think about us for a second.

I urge you to express joy when you are happy, so other people may understand that happiness is possible

A person you are truly meant to be with helps you through rough times, not puts you through rough times

You complain about how people create drama in their lives and not even realizing you're not far from doing the same.

School may be hard, annoying, and irritating. But admit it, you’re going to miss it when it ends.

The greatest weapon anyone can use against us is our own mind.

Best friends have conversations impossibIe to understand by other people.

Some people just don't realize how much they hurt us until someone does the same thing to them.

Never assume that someone likes you by their sweetness. Sometimes, you are just an option when they are bored.

When you change your performance, you change your life.

Life is too awesome to waste your time thinking about someone who doesn’t treat you right.

Sometimes things are not that bad Its just our imaginations freaking us out

If a person really loves us, they'll listen to what we say. Not to what they hear from others about us

Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful!

You can't make the same mistake twice. The second time you make it, it's no longer a mistake. It's a choice.

Life is short & temporary. Don’t waste it with your stress just because you can’t get what you want.

The better you are able to make more people agree with you, the more command you have in life.

God has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and faith, but it's worth the wait.

Source: Twitter

Disney Quotes Part 2

How you manage to do that every single day without fail? It looks absolutely exhausting, darling. –Mother Gothel (Tangled)

All it takes is faith and trust. Oh! And something I forgot. Dust. –Peter Pan

When there’s a smile in your heart, there’s no better time to start. –Peter Pan

Just because you can't see something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. –Charlie (The Santa Clause)

After the rain, the sun will reappear. There is life. After the pain, the joy will still be here. –Bambi II

Anything can happen if you let it. Sometimes things are difficult, but you can bet it doesn't have to be some. –Mary Poppins

Do you believe in miracles? Oh, you know, just ordinary miracles. –Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)

For every stop, there is a go, and that's what makes the world go round. –Arthur (The Sword and the Stone)

If you focus on what you have left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead. –Gusteau (Ratatouille)

You can't run away from your troubles, there ain't no place that far. –Uncle Remus (Song of the South)

The real world hurts, doesn't it? But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you? –Mittens (Bolt)

I fear what's to happen all happened before. –Bert (Mary Poppins)

Even those who are gone are with us as we go on, your journey has only begun. –Simba (The Lion King II)

When in doubt, remain silent. –Hamish (Alice in Wonderland)

When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do? Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. –Dory (Finding Nemo)

When destiny calls you, you must be strong. –Kala (Tarzan)

Everything must get rest, some at night, some during the day, some not at all. –Great Prince (Bambi II)

The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible. –Charles (Alice in Wonderland)

The problem with being the last of anything is that by and by, there'll be none left at all. –Barbossa (Pirates of the Caribbean)

Bigger is better, and better is bigger. A little bit is never enough. –Sharpay Evans (High School Musical)

If you wanna be a human, for the first thing you gotta dress like one. –Scuttle (Little Mermaid)

As you're being let go, that your life's going in a different direction. –Yzma (The Emperor's New Groove)

It won't change anything. You can't change the past. –Simba (The Lion King)

All it takes is some imagination and a little science, and we can make the world a better place. –Lewis (Meet the Robinsons)

Faith, trust, pixie dust: Mother, those are just words of your stories. They don't mean anything. –Jane (Peter Pan)

If there's one thing I learned, it's that when you fight fire with fire, you just get burnt. –Hannah Montana

Friends hang on through the ups and the downs cause they've got someone to believe in. –Hannah Montana

Although we're different, deep inside us, we're not that different at all. –Tarzan

Life is out there waiting, so go and get it. Grab it by the collar. Seize it by the scruff. –Mary Poppins

Accidents can happen. You could easily get hurt, or stepped on, or even get lost. –Simba (The Lion King)


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Jumat, 25 November 2011

Greyson Chance Showcase

Udahan hampir setahun gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ga buka blog hahahaha. Kemarin hari Kamis tanggal 24 November 2011 Greyson Chance tampil di acara The Hits di Trans TV secara live! Ya Allah suaranya apalagi tatapannya bikin meltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg!!!!!! Makin ngefans deh ~ tapi sayang cuma nonton pas dia nyanyi "Paparazzi". Maklum telat info jadinya ketinggalan -,- Nyesek banget ga bisa ketemu :( Hari Rabu tanggal 23 November 2011 Greyson showcase di EX Plaza. Ini dia fotonya pas konser